
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

I have been pondering how God is our Loving Heavenly Father & I often wondered what its like to be in that position. Daddy, I was going through the letters I got from you & all the memories starts to pour through my minds. The letters didnt say anything about the past but you mentioned something more of the future. You gave me counsels to stay on the right path. For some reasons, I start to ponder on the past. People may tell me stories about you & me. People say I have a spitting image of you but I may not see it that way. People often say that I act just like you but I cant really tell. But all that, I know I got something from you. I may not remember every details that had happened in my life but I remember you were there.

I remember the day I got baptized, we were sitting side by side wearing white. Smiling faces everywhere. You confirmed me on my head to recieve the Gift of the Holy Ghost. I may not remember everything that had happened during that special day but I do remember you were there.

I remember all those roadtrips for volleyball tournaments. I love volleyball as much as you do. I wore your number on my jersey because I wanted to play good as you. I may not remember if we lose or win. I know it was tireless games but I do remember you were there.

I remember stepping into High School, you warned me of temptations & challenges ahead. It was hard. I may not remember the choices I made. I know the disappointment by scratching behind your ears or proud by the smile on your face & that is how I do remember you were there.

I remember my Graduation day, finally made it! Sigh. I know the relief but I don't remember what exactly happened. All those Volleyball games, S.A.T.s, homeworks, & many more I have faced... what a relief! ha. I may not remember everything that had happened but I do remember that you were there.

I remember turning in my papers, the challenges of making the right choices to whether this is what I want or what the Lord wants. The moment I opened my calling, I do remember you were there. The spirit was so strong. Something I can never express but I knew it was something much more than I cant comprehend. This is something greater than I can ever imagine. Daddy, you were there the whole entire time of my life.

Now, whenever I think of how God is our loving Heavenly Father, you're the first to come into my mind, daddy. I look up to you for protection, for love, for guidance, for advice, for laughter, or simply a hug. I never thought of a position of a man stand where you are as a father, a husband, & a friend until now. A role that you played could relate to where Heavenly Father stands but only that He is more perfected & glorified. Daddy, you're my perfect imperfection. I dont count the perfections but I love you for your imperfections. You play a role as a father that no one can replace. As a mortal daughter, I consider myself that I was a "Prodigal Daughter" & that you still love me as I am, even though I made many mistakes. There are times you let me make mistakes & let me learn my lessons but you still love me. There are times I let you down where I didn't mean to but still you love me. I come to you with open arms but you ran to me with your whole heart. Daddy, I know what Heavenly Father is like because of that "LOVE" you have for me.

Daddy, you gave me hope to my vision. A vision where eternal life is because of that love. You're amazing. I love you, Daddy!!!!

-All my love, Sister Tonumaipe'a

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