Hi Jelli, Nov. 22, 2011
Wow I cant believe this year is coming towards an end and I cant help but think of my life and review it...I know the Lord has constantly and continued to bless me in so many ways that I feel so unworthy of His UNCONDITIONAL love. But I know that he does not forsake me especially at times when I am questioning my worth and my ability to do what I am capable of :) This thanksgiving week I reflect on my life as well as those that are a part of it, past and present and I am truely greatful for each individual wether it was for a positive or negative effect. My heart still aches for those that have passed on especially for my dad but I am so greatful for he was such a great influence in my life and the person I have become and espeically because of who he was I was able to find someone with similar qualities in my eternal companion **your dad :)**
I am eternally greatful to my savior Jesus Christ, for His atonement for the sacrifices He had made for each of us...for my testimony because no matter what my choices are in life my testimony remains true and I always believe that He is the Christ and this gospel is true no matter what....I am greatful for the Plan of Happiness and I hope that I am worthy to see my eternal companion and my eternal family in the next lifes :)
Greatful and blessed :)
I am greatful for my family, my mom who has helped raise me, for her examples for her health and love for me and my family, for my brothers and sisters because they are so much a part of me and who am I..each of them has a piece of my heart for all eternity and I cannot picture my life complete without them :) for my children for I sometimes see myself in them some of thier abilities, some of thier likes and dislikes sometimes thier reaction to different situations, for love for people and ability to adapt and sometimes thier weaknesses are from me lol and especially for my eternal companion and best friend my husand and father of my children, he is my rock and the glue that holds this family together :)he is truely my soul mate and my everything. He accepts for who I am and truely tries to make me a better person if not help me become who I should and can be lol I know I take him for granted and should treat him so much better than he deserves!!!
Great and blessed!!I hope this thanksgiving week will bring you blessings and that as you continue to serve the Lord you may continue to be strenghtened, physically, mentally and espeically spiritually...
We miss you and love you always.....
Happy Thanksgiving!!
With all my love,
P.S...we get to spend thanksgiving with the missionary sisters from our ward....it will be nice and we will be thinking of you :)